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Dear Saar,

I would like to thank you for interviewing me for the position of Communications Manager in STE Bank. I would specially like to express thanks for taking out the time to explain the job profile and the organizational structure in such detail.

After interacting with you, I am confident that my previous experience in Public Relations will enable me to execute the job responsibilities successfully. During the interview, I neglected to mention that I also have experience of handling crisis management, something that will be an asset to the organization in the current scenario.

I would love to have an opportunity to work in a reputed organization like STE Bank. A first class

Masters degree in Public Relations, with over 6 years experience in this industry, will help me execute the job responsibilities successfully. I will also be able to leverage my wide network of contacts to get more publicity for the organization.

I once again wish to thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you regarding the interview.

Sincerely ,





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